Saturday, March 16, 2013

i like adoption

What is your passion? Do you have that "one thing" you just can't shake? It's the gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach that aches for that one cause, people group, interest, hobby, etc.  It's often the subject that evokes an involuntary response when it is brought to your attention.

For me, it's adoption.  Several years ago I attended a leadership conference in Atlanta. During a session, the emcee brought a couple up on stage to share their story of adoption.  I'm sure everyone in the stadium heard me...I was the lady weeping in her seat. Not the quiet, lady-like cry. It was the ugly cry. I couldn't contain myself.  

Through the journey of adopting our Sugarbee and fostering others, those deep feelings have not lessened, in fact, they have grown all the more.  As I parent my four-year-old adopted daughter, I cannot imagine her being any more mine, and me hers.  I know I could not love her any more than I do at this moment.  It's makes me a little weepy even now as I watch her playing with her princesses on daddy's lap.  She is my wish come true.

In James 1:27 it says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Caring for the fatherless, for the orphan, was and is important to the Lord.  He even goes as far to tell us that "anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me."-Matthew 18:5

Foster Care and Adoption Stats:
There are 400,000 children in foster care in the United States.
650,000 children spent time in out-of-home care last year.
Currently, there are 9,294 children in Indiana in foster care. 2,886 of the children in foster care are available and awaiting adoptive families.
There are a total of 153,000,000 orphans worldwide.

The need is great.  

Here is a great video of an adopted family:

At a Foster Care and Adoption Symposium today they showed a trailer for a documentary called STUCK.  The documentary highlights the way International Adoption is on the decline in our country because of various closed countries and the laws that coincide, while over 10 million children in orphanages wait for a family.  I felt so moved as I watched.  There are many children who need homes and yet it is so difficult to get to them. Please, take two minutes and watch this:

Yes, the need is great, but I believe we can make a difference.  Is God asking you to get involved? I'd love to talk with you more if you're interested.  Feel free to leave a comment or email if you'd like to talk more about adoption.

i really like adoption,


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