Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Normal Week?

Over the past several months, people have often asked what a normal week looks like for us. I'm not sure there is a normal week, but from Fall to Spring we certainly do have a weekly schedule that is consistent from week to week.   

For about a year now, David has been working part-time as a stonemason.  He is currently working four days a week and stays home on Tuesdays with the girls while I work at the church preparing for CREW.  This schedule is working well for our family.  He is home in time for evening programs while being able to provide financially for our family.  His income is used to supplement the funds we raise as missionaries.  As we begin our third year in Keller Park, we have found a good rhythm for the neighborhood and our family with plenty of margin to stay emotionally healthy.  Whew.  We're happy about that.

Here are some of the programs that remain consistent from week to week, broken down by the day of the week.

Sunday-Every other Sunday morning we host a neighborhood breakfast before church. Neighborhood kiddos come at 8:45a and we eat breakfast at 9:30a.  Between 8:45a and 9:30a, the kids play Xbox, Nerf basketball, or just visit while we cook breakfast.  Their favorite things to eat are: any kind of breakfast meat, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, eggs, and breakfast burritos. After breakfast, we all walk to church together.  

Monday- On Mondays, I (Carrie) lead an all-girls discipleship group.  David is home from work by 5:15p and I leave by 5:20p to pick up three girls from a local high school.  Group is held from 5:30p-7:30p.  We work on homework at the beginning of our time and then dive into conversation.  This discipleship group has far surpassed my expectations.  The girls are diving into the Word daily and are memorizing Scripture like champs.  They have made themselves accountable to one another and are encouraging each other to take steps toward Christ.  We are currently studying James 3 and learning how to tame our tongues.

Tuesday-  Our church youth group, CREW, meets every Tuesday from 6:00p-8:00p.  CREW is designed to be a safe place where students come together, experience community and ultimately take steps toward Christ.  I spend the majority of the day on Tuesday planning and programming our Tuesday evening sessions. I really enjoy leading CREW.  Students are faithful in attending and we have a fantastic group of adults who serve as small group leaders. We are currently working through a series on Identity.  (Thanks to the generosity of so many, we serve a dinner meal to anyone who comes to CREW)

Wednesday- After Stella's weekly ballet class, which she absolutely loves, we host dinner for anyone who wants to come.  We work on lots of homework (lots and lots of homework) and then set the table for dinner.  We, as a family, really like Wednesday evenings.  It's a great time of relationship building and laughter.  What do we serve for dinner? Anything I can find in my freezer or refrigerator.  What are their favorite things to eat? Tacos, lasagna, chicken and noodles with mashed potatoes, and homemade macaroni and cheese. They also look forward to desserts on Wednesdays.  I try to make something special for dessert after this meal.

Thursday- On Thursdays, we hold a homework time/computer lab/open basketball/Bible study at Keller Park Church.  From 4:30p-6:30p, the students work on homework, use the computer lab and play a little basketball.  From 6:30p-7:30p we hold a Bible study, open to any 6th-12th grader who would like to come.  This is a new program and is gaining momentum. (We serve some kind of substantial snack during this program) 

Friday- Day Off.  We try not to schedule anything on this day unless something comes up.

Saturday- Random activities and events. 

This is how we spend our week! We love what we do and are blessed to do what we love.

People have also asked how to financially support our family and ministry.  Pastor Ryan at Keller Park Church set up an easy way for individuals to give.  In the right margin of our blog is a green DONATE button.  If you would like to give financial support to Keller Park Ministries, you can give through the blog and it goes directly into our account at Keller Park Church.  

A GIANT thank you to everyone who has prayed for us, given financial support, cooked a meal or cookies, or volunteered for various programs.  You are appreciated and are very much a part of what we do in Keller Park.

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing that you're an amazing cook!! Love, love, love your blogs!!!
